

Summer Snow-Tung Oil Tree Flowers

Each year during April and May travelers on the Sun Yat-sen Freeway upon reaching the Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli area will pass by numerous trees with snow-white flowers. These are Tung oil trees, a common sight in the lower to mid-altitude regions of Taiwan. There are many places in Taiwan, where these beautiful flowers can be seen. The town of Tucheng(土城), southwest of Taipei, even celebrates a Tung Oil Tree festival each year. One of the best places to see Tung oil trees is West Lake Resortopia recreational park in Sanyi.


Surrounded by mountains, Sanyi possesses a wealth of forest lands with rich ecological resources. The historical and cultural background has made it become the “Taiwan Woodcarving Kingdom.” The route planning of the light travel is divided into two major themes: “Experiencing Hakka Culture and Art” and “Tracking down Old Mountain Line Railways.” Starting from artistic and historical perspectives, the travel will lead us to experience the slowing life in Sanyi through the wood carving culture, Hakka crafts, and historical travelling attractions.




Sanyi Wood Sculpturing Festival October 15~30

In order to promote Sanyi as a tourist spot, the ROC Tourism Bureau has listed the annual Sanyi Wood Sculpturing Festival(三義木雕藝術節)- staged each Auggust – as one of the 12 major cultural festivals in Taiwan. During the time of the festival, visitor are invited to come to Sanyi and watch the artist at work. This is a great opportunity to learn about wood sculpturing and take home some unique souvenirs. At the same time you’ll have the chance to taste delicious Hakka cuisine, including stir-fried dishes, glutinous rice cakes and “Lei” tea.


Sanyi(三義)is a small mountain town of traditional Hakka culture. Since the area around Sanyi has rich resources of camphor tree, wood sculptors started to create wooden items such as screens and tea plates of this wood early on during the time of Japanese occupation. The highly skilled artists made a name for themselves and the wood carving business started to flourish.


Unique Sensations of Hakka Cuisine

The flagrant smell of delicious dishes fills the air of this mountain town and it is obvious why the Hakka people are worldwide known for their stir-fried dishes. Close to Shengxing Railway Station you’ll find many authentic Hakka cuisine restaurants where connoisseurs gather during lunchtime. The majority of Sanyi’s population are Hakka people and therefore the township is one of the best places to discover the wonders of Hakka cuisine. Besides stir-fried dishes you should also try steamed pork with preserved vegetables, salt-roasted chicken, pig’s intestines with ginger, etc.


Shengxing Railway Station(勝興火車站)

Shenxing Railway Station is located at the highest point of the western trunk line, 402 meters above sea level. Built in 1903, it is nearly a hundred years old. It is remarkable for it is built entirely of wood without the use of nails. In the vicinity of Shengxing Railway Station is an important low-altitude habitat for light bugs. The best time to watch light bugs flying in the sky is from April to early May early in the evening after sunset.


舊稱「魚藤坪」的龍騰斷橋,是日本人於1905年所建,以紅磚砌成,結構紮實堅固,施工精良,被譽為台灣鐵路的藝術極品。歷經1935年4 月21日與1999年9 月21 日的二次大地震,橋身雖已損壞,但橋基仍在,別有一番懷古風情。

Remains of Longteng Bridge(龍騰斷橋)

Longteng Bridge(龍騰橋)was built by the Japanese in 1905. The red-brick bridge was known for its simple and solid construction and became famous as one example of Taiwan’s railroad art. On April 21, 1935, the bridge was destroyed by an earthquake. Despite another devastating earthquake on September 21, 1999 the ruins of the bridge are still standing and can be seen south of Shengxing Railway Station.